Ollie and the Pinecone – a Playground Photo Set

The other day, Ollie and I hit the park for some playtime before the rains came down. At some point, I decided that getting my phone out to take a bunch of photos was a fun idea, and that brings us here.

With the window of time each day that we have to be at the park, and with more rain in the autumn forecast than in the summer, the chance to really enjoy the playground has suddenly become more important to me. The importance of watching him enjoy his time on the playground is important to me.

Here’s the thing, he loves it. The equipment in these photos, and the smaller equipment at Diana Princess Of Wales Park give him a chance to climb and slide and play with the steering wheels and say “car”. He runs from one side to the other and back again. He smiles and giggles and squeals. It’s amazing to watch and it makes me happy as his daddy.

On our Friday visit, Bubba picked up his favourite pinecone of all time. Because he was holding it in his little hand, he didn’t make the climb up the equipment, but he still ran all over the place. It was somewhere in there that I decided to grab the phone and take photos. And so I did. And he went to all of the places he wanted to be. And he smiled. And while he isn’t great at posing, we had fun and I like some photos.

And as we know, happiness is a swing on a sunny day – it could have been sunnier, but Ollie had fun on the swings before we came home.

With the pinecone.

Click to open large photo and start slideshow.

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