A Dozen Questions with Dad – Andy A

In this edition of A Dozen Questions with Dad I’m super pleased to bring you answers about dad life from my pal Andy. He’s dad to two awesome little girls (6 and 4-years-old) and I’ve been lucky to know him from the days before either of us had kids that we could create a post like this about.

You may know Andy from Twitter – @_rallycap with his tweets about his girls or maybe the Blue Jays or Cubs or Raptors or Tessa and Scott or any number of things that he finds a way to make both entertaining and endearing. If you don’t follow him yet, now is a great time to start.

Today I’ve got his answers to A Dozen Questions with Dad and I’m excited for you all to read them. Maybe you’ll find a new show to watch with your littles or you’ll be able to empathize about the Little Tykes house, or you’ll just get a little taste of Andy’s dad life.

Check ’em out.

A Dozen Questions with Dad – Andy A

Q1. What is your favourite curse word alternative to use around the kids?

Sugar is my go to but there are variations like sugar crisp or sugar snap peas. They’ve probably heard a few “dum-dums” in traffic.

Q2. What is your favourite thing to watch with your kids? (TV, movies, YouTube, etc.)

Frozen 2. Better than the original do not argue with me. Vampirina and Doc McStuffins are also great. As is Bluey. Is this an ad for Disney+?

Q3. Which kids program from your childhood do you wish was in HD and still relevant now for your kids?

They already did. Duck Tales. Oooo ooo. Would love for Mr. Rogers to return but will settle for Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood which the girls both enjoy.

Q4. Which fictional dad (TV, movies, books, comics, etc.) do you like to think you most resemble or would you want to resemble as a dad?

Bandit from Bluey. Always has time for his girls.

Q5. What is the one toy your kids love that you wish would go missing?

There’s a little tikes house that sings some pretty annoying songs. If that tragically melted it wouldn’t be the worst thing.

Q6. Which of your hobbies/interests have you or do you hope to pass on to your kids?

Drawing. 6YO is already pretty good! 6YO has also been with me to Jays games, Raptors games and the championship parade. Don’t know whether sports fandom will stick but it’s been fun having her be my little sports buddy.

Q7. Do you have a go-to meal for daddy cooks or solo daddy dinner night?

Gotta keep it simple. Like… drive thru simple.

Q8. Do you feel like you were sufficiently warned about how many times you’d get hit in the nuts as a dad?

If someone had told me it would be daily I would not have believed them but it’s true.

Q9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how close is your experience as a dad to what you thought it would be before you were a dad?

I thought it would be a 10 but it’s higher.

Q10. What is the most challenging thing about being a dad for you? (ie. discipline, organization, leaving to go to work, helping with school work, explaining the world. etc.)

Probably discipline. With work I don’t see them as much so I come in the door ready to be a monster or have a dance party. They know I’m the soft one too.

Q11. Can you share a proud dad moment or memory with us?

Any time they want to show off a painting, drawing or craft is a proud moment for me. Hearing 6YO read. 4YO is non verbal so any time she communicates with us it’s a proud dad moment.

Q12. What significant yet simple piece of advice would you give to other dads or dads-to-be?

Don’t worry about how anyone else does it. Be you.

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