Letter to Oliver – 005 (Happy Birthday) 📝

Hey Bubba,

First, happy birthday! You turned two years old this week, in the middle of a global pandemic – but honestly, getting to spend the entire day with you and your mama was perfect.

Hopefully that will be the last birthday that the three of us spend alone together because we can’t see other people and get hugs and presents and in-person love.

With that said though, we were able to see a lot of people for a few minutes at a time when we sat at the table and got on Facebook messenger video calls with friends and family. You likely won’t remember, but we were able to get seven people on each call with us, and on each call we sang happy birthday and you got to blow out your candles. Because of the small batch reality, you were able to do that a few times, and you loved it. You were also very sweet and waved bye bye and blowing kisses to the camera as thank yous to everyone… so you could get to the next call and go again.

I love that you are that kind and sweet boy.

For your birthday you got your first Ukulele, and you have barely put it down since you unwrapped it. You also got a beautiful quilt and a cool puzzle and fun toys, and there are more gifts on the way. We’ll be getting a new zoo membership, you’ve got a play kitchen on order, and without saying that you are spoiled, you certainly are well loved and provided for.

As we sit here now, a couple of days past your birthday I want to keep track of a few things. You love cars, Elmo, Toy Story (and Disney in general), music, your mama, building with blocks and smashing blocks apart again, reading stories and being lifted up. Sometimes you flip out and have tantrums. Sometimes you make it tough on me and your mama. But we still love you very much. Very very much.

You love to talk and chat – though your mama and I often don’t know what you’re saying. And I’ll be honest, I was hoping that by now I’d be telling everyone that you called me dada and said it all the time – but you don’t yet.

We also started our first steps into baseball, going out into the yard as a little family and playing with your plastic bat and ball that you got for Easter. I love that and think your grandpa would have loved it too.

More than anything though, I am proud of you and proud to be your daddy. I love your hugs and cuddles and watching you learn and play and dance. Watching your grow and being here with you for the last two years in the most special thing in my life. I love you.

Happy Birthday.

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