Movember: Shaving Tips 🪒

I don’t shave often, except for in November. From December 1st to October 31st I generally just let my beard do its thing.

Yes, I try and keep the edges cleaned up, and I don’t let the neckbeard become a thing. But for the most part, I don’t use a razor much and I don’t look for reasons to shave. But then Movember rolls around and I’m sucked back in.

Because I don’t shave much, it’s not a routine for me. And that means I think about it more than maybe some every day shavers do. So I’m not here to tell you I’m an expert. But I am willing to stand and say that I believe I have some tips that shouldn’t be overlooked when shaving.

These are also the kinds of tips that I can pass down to Ollie someday when it’s time for him to shave his face. We’re a long way from that right now, but I’m told that I’ll blink and we’ll be there. So I better be prepared.

There are a few things that didn’t make the list that I’d like to add here in the lead-up. First, have a clean mirror and good lighting, those things can be a big help in allowing you to do a good job shaving your face. I also recommend having a clean, dry towel that you can use to dry your face, and even wipe your razor as needed. The last thing is time, and we’ll get to that in one of the tips.

Ready? Here we go.

Movember Shaving Tips from This Daddy Life!

Use a Sharp Razor

I’ve used a razor that I thought was sharp enough but wasn’t. It sucks.

Get a fresh razor to start the month if you’re a “Movember only” everyday shaver. It’ll last for a while if you’re shaving every day because you aren’t giving a ton of work to do unless you’re like Tim Allen in The Santa Clause.

I’ve used a lot of brands over the years. Mostly in freebies that I’ve been handed, or gifts I’ve been given. So I don’t have a razor brand recommendation, other than to suggest that you stay away from cheap disposables because I don’t have good memories of using those bad boys. No sir.

Rinse with Hot Water

Between swipes across my face, I run my razor under hot, hot tap water. The cold tap isn’t on, the hot is opened up, and I let the blades get rinsed off before I go again.

The hot water gets the shaving cream and shaved stubble off of and out from between the blades of the razor and sets me up for a continued good shave.

Highly recommend.

Use Shaving Cream

Sounds simple, but I’ve shaved without shaving cream before (just hot water and soapy water) and it’s not the same, it’s not as smooth, and it feels like I’m just as likely to cut myself as I am by using a crappy razor.

There are a lot of brands and types out there, and just like razors, I don’t have a “must use” recommendation. I’ve used foams and heavy creams. You can still get a brush and go to town like the fella in this photo. There’s no wrong way, other than not to use shaving cream at all.

Currently, I’m using C. O. Bigelow Premium Shaving Cream.


Don’t Rush. Take Your Time

Just like many other things in life, shaving should not be rushed. Take your time, do it right, be safe, do a good job, and then go about your day with soft cheeks and a bare chin.

Take the time to rinse off your razor with hot water. Take the time to double-check that you didn’t miss a spot that you’ll be embarrassed about later. Don’t try to be fast when you pull the razor across your face. Only bad things can happen for you.

Relax, go to work, get it done in the time it takes you to get done.

Go with the Grain

This is a basic one again, but too easy to forget to include on a list like this. Shave with the grain of your face to make it easier on yourself, less painful, more efficient, and overall more pleasant experience.

Doing it right will make it better for you – and that’s what we all want, a better shave.

Moisturize / Aftershave

Every year when I talk about shaving and Movember I talk about moisturizing. I have a beard for the rest of the calendar year so I don’t think about moisturizing enough. But every November I’m reminded that I need to take care of my skin and that means using aftershave and moisturizers.

For the last few years, I’ve been using and liking more lotion-based options rather than alcohol options. I don’t get the sting, my face feels smooth, and I like it.

I’ve also (a time or two) used a little dab of massage oil for a nice smell in a eucalyptus spearmint from Bath & Body Works.

Good luck and happy shaving!


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