Getting Ready for My First Movember as a Daddy

Movember Is Coming!

For the ninth year in a row I’m preparing myself for a month without my beard, trying to grow a moustache that looks somewhat respectable.

Humbly, with the support of friends, family, and the Moustache Growers Union Local 416647 team members over the years, I’m able to tell you that we’ve raised thousands of dollars. Donations have come online, and in person at our annual event. And I’m grateful for every single one of them!

This year, things are a little different though. Oliver is here now, and since the day he was born I’ve had a beard covering my chin and cheeks. But now we’re looking at the reality of me drastically changing the way I look, just three days after he turns six months old.

Note: The change in texture is also going to be a big deal. Ollie has started reaching out to hold onto my beard (it’s long) and in pretty much the blink of an eye, that’s going to be gone.

For most of the last decade I’ve been proud to participate as a Mo Bro. I’ve documented my questionable moustaches in photos. I’ve attended great events. I’ve watched as the dollar amounts collected have grown and grown and grown. It’s been an amazing experience.

But what I’m most proud of is Movember Challenge Karaoke.

#MoChaKaTO is our annual fundraiser. It’s an event that has taken place in five different venues, welcomed a ton of friends and new faces to our community, and had the support of some truly excellent people.

First, my Mo Bro bff Sean Boulton needs to be singled out. This dude has been with me since day one, and as we prepare for the ninth edition of the event this year, I can’t be more proud to call him a friend.

Next, Jason Rolland our generous karaoke host, who has been with us every year, helped us get things planned and sorted, brought prizes and sponsors and bar owners onboard, and always has our backs.

After that, the list is long. Sean and I owe a ton to our s/o’s Jess and Erin. Terri-Leigh has always been great to us. Rannie has put up some HUGE donation numbers. And every year we’ve been overwhelmed with feelings when Frankie has stepped up to sing Celine Dion.

Over our first eight years of Movember Challenge Karaoke, we’ve raised approximately $13,000 through entry donations, raffle tickets, challenges, and the kindess of good people.

Joshua Vintage Movember Thumbs

That blows me away.

Movember continues to support research and care for men’s health issues. The evolution to include mental health, as well as men’s cancers has been a fantastic addition. And the messaging, conversations, and awareness that Movember has provided, along with the millions of dollars in financial support is inspiring.

This year, I welcome each and everyone of you to become a Mo Bro or Mo Sista, or supporter of the Movember participants in your life. Help spread the word, collect donations, start conversations, and be the change.

And, if you’re looking for a team to join us, we’d be happy to have you. Click Here to sign up -> Moustache Growers Union Local 416647

Moustache nickname word cloud
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