Letter to Oliver – 003 (It’s Been A While) 📝

Hey Bubba, it’s been a while.

We’ve had some great adventures in the last few months and it has been some of the coolest stuff I’ve ever been apart of. Christmas. Your 1st birthday.

You, your mama, and me have started going to the zoo with our membership. We’ve gone to see your grandpa Howie at car shows. We’ve watched baseball and wrestling and movies and a lot of Teen Titans Go! And while all of that was happening you’ve grown. A lot.

I’ve watched you get your balance. I’ve watched you start walking and get closer and closer to running. You climb on the park equipment. You go down the slide. You get up on the couch. You say mama.

But not dada.

We’ve had moments of laughing and crying and screaming and throwing stuff. You’re a little too attached to your tablet sometimes, so we’re working on that (it’s hidden in the pantry right now). But you also love your mom’s old iPod and it’s pretty cool to watch you walk and dance around with the music playing. Heck, you love music from anywhere really. The iPod, the Google Home mini, YouTube on the laptop, anywhere.

You are coming up on 17 months old and you blow me away with the things you’re learning and doing. You’re starting to be a better listener. You’re a sweet and caring boy that likes kisses and cuddles and tickles.

You are my buddy and my little guy and when you clap watching baseball and you cheer when we watch the Cowboys, it makes me a very happy daddy.

It melts my heart when you hold your mama’s hand. It turns me into mush when you hold mine.

You’re cute and adorable and silly and funny.

I love you, Ollie.


You’ve had your first Christmas…


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You’ve had your first birthday…


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You’ve really started loving car shows…


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We went to Drag Queen story time at the Pickering Library…


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