Movember Tips: Get Growing

Movember is here, and I want to help.

This year I am participating in my ninth Movember campaign to help raise awareness and funds to support men’s health. It’s something that I’m proud to do every year, even if it means I look like I’m about 16 years old for most of the month as I walk around without my beard, trying to grow a moustache.


Over the years I’ve come to learn a few things about growing a mo, and I want to share some tips to help Mo Bros participating in Movember this year.

Note: Here’s a pic of me and Ollie on November 6, 2018 – here’s hoping my moustache looks better soon.

Ollie Daddy Movember 6 2018

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

Dudes, if you’re used to having a beard (like I am) you have to remember that your face is used to it too. And what I’ve found is that my face isn’t prepared to face the air every November.

So, here’s my sugggestion: Moisturize daily, and that doesn’t include whatever aftershave product you use.

Find something that feels good on your face. Find something with some SPF. And use it. We all want to see your smooth cheeks.

Use Hot Water!

Fellas, turn on the tap and let it get hot!

When you’re using your razor (especially if you’re like me and using disposibles one month a year) some hot water is going to make things go a lot smoother.

Use it to get your face wet before you get started. Use it to rinse your blade. Use it to keep your blade hot. Use it to wash off your face when you’re done.

Note: I have found that cold water is best for getting shaving cream off my hands after I’ve smeared it all over my face.

Man Shaving Movember Tips

Go Slow!

I know we’re all buy people with busy lives and things to do, but your shave is no time to rush.

Going too fast, being too sloppy, and not paying enough attention can lead to missed spots, uneven moustaches, and cuts on your beautiful face.

Nobody wants that.

Take your time.

Sharp Razors!

It doesn’t matter if you pay a lot or a little for your razors. The only thing that matters is how sharp it is when you put them to work.

If you’re going to be using dollar store disposibles, remember that they’re not going to last you very long. Don’t sacrifice your face by trying to use them any longer than they’re good for!

Movember Tips Razor

Keep A Scarf Handy!

In Canada we’re stuck with colder weather and blowing winds when the calendar turns to Movember. Over the last few years I have found that it’s always a good idea to have a scarf available for those early winter feeling days and nights.

Honestly, there’s nothing that makes me question my Movember involvement as much as the feeling of a cold morning wind slapping me across the freshly shaven face.

Bonus: Start Conversations!

Movember is about a whole lot more than the moustaches on our faces. We’re here to raise awareness and funds to support men’s health. And the way to do that is through conversations in person and online.

If someone comments on your moustache, tell them why you’re growing it. If someone comments on your lack of beard, tell them why you shaved it. If you want to raise more funds, share photos and facts and requests online through your social media channels.

Growing a sweet ‘stache is only step one.

Movember Logo thisdaddylife

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